Reiki is a form of complementary therapy relating to energy healing. It works with the energy fields around the body and involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to the client. Reiki provides a means to balance the human energy fields (aura) and energy centers (chakras) to create conditions needed for the body’s healing system to function. When the flow of the "Life Force Energy" is disrupted, weakened, or blocked, emotional or health problems tend to occur. Imbala
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from plants (flowers, herbs, or trees) as a complementary health approach. Many essential oils are used in aromatherapy, including those from Roman chamomile, geranium, lavender, tea tree, lemon, ginger, cedar wood, and bergamot.
Holy Fire Reiki is a new form of Reiki that was introduced by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. The Holy Fire Karuna energy provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It prepares the client for deep healing and is useful with past life issues. It helps release karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level.
The BioMat is very different from a standard heating pad, the radiant heat is produced by hot crystals that cover the surface of the mat, and there are settings to control the desired temperature of the crystals. The crystals are warmed by a flexible conductive heating plate, which was developed originally by NASA in order to safely warm space stations and other space vehicles. You can temporarily relieve minor muscle pain, minor joint pain and stiffness, joint pain associated with arthritis, mu
The term energy healing is used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical wellbeing. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing processes may help support health.
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